Holywood Baptist Church & World Mission
At Holywood Baptist Church we are fully committed to fulfilling our Lord’s “Great Commission” as set out in Matthew 28:18-20; Mark 16:15-18; Luke 24:46-49; John 20:21 and Acts 1:8.
As part of our commitment, HBC partners in prayer, practical fellowship and appropriate financial support with a number of Christian ministries and workers who are involved in missionary outreach, “at home or abroad”, outside the regular corporate life of the church.
Mission Support Form
If you are part of our church family and are heading off on a mission trip or team we would love to know how to best support you. Fill out this form and get it back to us so we can help however you need.
Mission Partners
These are individual church members who have been accepted by the church for such support.
Present Mission Partners are:
Mark Grant-Jones -
Army Chaplain
Leanne Dunlop -
Scripture Union NI
Walter Maguire -
LIFT (Treasurer)
Associate Mission Partners
These are associated with the church but not members. Because of our fellowship in the gospel the church has decided to join in partnership with them in their ministry.
Present Adopted Mission Partners are:
Angie Minion -
The Big House
Sally Patty -
Christian Union Ireland
Andrew Elliot -
Baptist Mission Ireland
“Short-term Mission-Partners”
The church also partners with members, or others associated with the church, who engage in short-term mission activity – usually, but not exclusively, during the Summer.
“Partner Churches”