As an organisation using AccessNI  to help assess the suitability of applicants for positions of trust, Holywood Baptist Church complies fully with Access NI’s Code of Practice (available HERE ). It ensures the correct handling, use, storage, retention and disposal of Disclosure applications and Disclosure information. We also comply fully with obligations under the Data Protection Act 1998 and other legislative requirements with regard to the safe handling, storage, retention and disposal of Disclosure Information.

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Child Protection forms are available here.

Good Practice Guidelines are available here.

Our Ex-Offenders Policy is available here


Storage and Access

In line with the churches GDPR policy, disclosure information is kept securely in a locked, non-portable safe which is located in a locked room. Access to this information is strictly controlled and limited to those who are entitled to see it as part of their duties.


In accordance with Section 124 of the Police Act 1997, Disclosure information is only ever passed to those who are authorised to receive it in the course of their duties. A record is maintained of those people with whom Disclosures or Disclosure information has been shared and we understand that it is a criminal offence to pass this information to anyone who is not entitled to see it.


Disclosure information is only used for the specific purpose for which it was requested and for which applicants full consent has been given.


Once a recruitment decision has been taken, Holywood Baptist Church does not retain Disclosure information for any longer than is necessary. We comply with AccessNI’s Code of Practice requirement to ensure that all Disclosure certificates will be destroyed once a decision, recruitment or otherwise, has been made. They will be retained no longer than 3 months after the Access NI certificate has been issued to the person.


After the retention period has elapsed, the Church will ensure that any Disclosure information is destroyed by shredding or burning. While awaiting destruction, Disclosure information will not be held in any unsecured receptacle e.g. waste bin.

However, the church will keep the following information:
- a record of the date of issue of a Disclosure,
- the name of the subject,
- the type of disclosure requested,
- the position for which the Disclosure was requested,
- the Access NI Unique reference number of the certificate
- the details of the recruitment decision taken.
The church has a growing ministry to children and young people and takes seriously its responsibility to protect and safeguard the welfare of children and young people entrusted to the church’s care. A child or young person is a person under 18 years of age. A worker should be anyone aged 16 years or over who is engaged in work or a voluntary activity which involves contact with children or young people.
1.  The church is committed to providing, in a Christian environment, the highest possible care for children and to safeguarding their welfare by protecting them from physical, sexual and emotional harm.
2.  All workers will treat others with dignity, respect, sensitivity and fairness when involved in church organised activities.
3.  All individuals recruited to work with children or young people will be required to complete a church application form and to meet with the organisation leader to discuss the task and our Good Practice Guidelines available to download here. (Be aware this is a fifty page document)
4.  The church also promotes the Recruitment of Ex-Offenders Policy which can be viewed here.
(Paper copies are available on request)

What To Do If You Suspect That Abuse May Have Occurred

Tell your leader in charge.

Complete a ‘Report of Concern’ form – Form 6.

Give the form to your leader in charge who should report your concerns as soon as possible to the co-ordinator Gayle McKee who is nominated by the church to act on their behalf in referring allegations or suspicions of neglect or abuse to the statutory authorities.

Contact Gayle at: cpc@holywoodbaptist.org.uk 

Child Protection forms are available here.

Good Practice Guidelines are available here.

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Planning your Visit

About Us

IMG 7488

We are a group of followers of Jesus from Holywood and the surrounding area. Our church family consists of people from a wide range of ages and backgrounds. We want to bring glory to God, to help one another grow in our Christian faith, to reach out in God’s love to those in Holywood and beyond and ultimately to see many from all backgrounds become fully devoted followers of Jesus.
Our main service takes place at 10.30 each Sunday morning and everyone is warmly invited to join with us. We seek to worship God in a manner which is both contemporary and reverent and place great importance on clear Biblical teaching.
Children are very welcome in all our services, and crèche facilities are available for babies and toddlers. Pre-school and primary school children join us for the first part of the service before leaving for Junior Church.
Prayer ministry is available at the end of each service, as well as an opportunity to meet informally over a cup of tea or coffee.
Information about all the activities of the church can be found elsewhere on the website along with contact details if you would like to get in touch with us. We would love to welcome you! 

For a map to show where our building is located, click here.

Our Purpose

By working in partnership in the Gospel to help people of all ages and from all backgrounds become fully devoted followers of Christ by:

  • Reaching out with the Good News of Jesus to others
  • Building one another up in our faith
  • Caring for others both in the church family and the local community


You may download a full copy of our church constitution and doctrinal statement here.